This is my personal web page which pretty much amounts to a blog. I will be posting about various technical topics that I have work through. My professional background is predominantly is in Microsoft solutions and virtualization.
My VM background is all in VMWare both vSphere and Horizon (VDI). My primary job has been virtual infrastructure platform support for well over 8 years now. Lots of fun stuff, the usual excitement P2V, SRM and datacenter relocations. I have been out of the VDI loop for a while now but at one point I built, maintained and upgraded on several occasions a VMware View\Horizon environment for about 2000 users. Somehow the virtual support stuff also made me a primary support person for the hardware it runs on. Both HP C7000 blades and some Dell blade stuff too.
The team I currently work with is a Microsoft tech based team so I still get the call when the bat signal goes up for a really serious AD or Window server issue and it’s various roles that can be installed. Lots of Active Directory support, IIS and applications running on top of everything from Windows NT to Server 2016. I have a little exposer to Exchange and SQL server. At one time I earned my living as a SCCM tech both building and running SCCM sites. That was a long time ago but I still remember most of what I did.
I would say my favorite work is writing PowerShell scripts for automating task for my team and daily reporting purposes. I have been working with PowerShell since version 1.0 and I fell in love. Being a windows guy originally and never really enjoying VBScript I was like what is this madness doing things without a GUI!! I actually used Perl scripting on windows quite a bit when I was doing my SMS, SCCM stuff so I had some scripting background to help me get started.
Well enough of an introduction on with the show!!